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Meet Dr. Zhisheng Sun
Chinese Medicine Specialist
Dr Sun has been healing thousands of patients for the 30 years. She is a Specialist in Clinical Medicines of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine(China). She graduated from Shandong University of TCM. Prior to coming to United States, she was the Associate Chief Physician(China) in Chinese hospital. She has lived in the United States for about 12 years and is a California Licensed Acupuncturist. Dr Sun believes in treating the patient and not just symptoms. She can provide services ranging from acupuncture to acupressure to cupping to herbal treatments for a wide range of medical issues.

Why Acupuncture?
It can help with
Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites, also commonly referred to as acupuncture points, or acupoints. The most common method used to stimulate acupoints is the insertion of fine, sterile needles into the skin. Pressure, heat, or electrical stimulation may further enhance the effects. Other acupoint stimulation techniques include: acupressure(Tui-na), moxibustion or heat therapy, cupping, and the application of topical herbal medicines.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on an ancient philosophy that describes the universe, and the body, in terms of two opposing forces: yin and yang. When these forces are in balance, the body is healthy. Energy, called "qi" (pronounced "chee") flows along specific pathways, called meridians, throughout the body. This constant flow of energy keeps the yin and yang forces balanced. However, if the flow of energy gets blocked, like water getting stuck behind a dam, the disruption can lead to pain, lack of function, or illness. Acupuncture therapy can release blocked qi in the body and stimulate function, evoking the body’s natural healing response through various physiological systems. Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. By stimulating the body’s various systems, acupuncture can help to resolve pain, and improve sleep, digestive function, and sense of well-being.

Pain and Aches
Acupuncture and Acupressure can help reduce pain and inflammation in the shoulder, back, knees, and you name it
Acupuncture can help with depression including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke
Stroke Rehabilitation
Those who are recovering after Stroke and learning to be independent again. Acupuncture can help bring strength back to the muscles and help gain range of motion.

Women's Health
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help with Endometriosis, Primary Dysmenorrhoea, help during pregnancy and even induction of labor. It can help with post-natal and even menopausal symptoms
Acupuncture can help women or men with infertility.
Stress,Fatigue & Health Care
Modern living is stressful and causes fatigue. Constant use of technology makes us tired. Acupucture and acupressure can relieve symptoms.

Your Health Starts Here
Contact Info

12175 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd Ste A, Saratoga, CA 95070