(1) 48 years old, female. Menorrhagia 3+ years, hypochromic anemia 2.5 years. First visit at 10/07/2018, the patient felt whole body tired, short breathing, often felt dizzy at that time. After the patient accepted 8 times acupuncture, her period bleeding changed to normal from 11/14/2018. Continued 6 times treatment, ended treats after 12/11/2018. The patient visited Dr Sun because of low back pain at 03/22/2019. She said her hypochromic anemia has been healed.
(2) 47 years old, female. Cervical polyp 10 years. Sep. 2017 the patient accepted surgery to remove the cervical polyp. Before surgery she had intermenstrual bleeding. After surgery she has more menstrual flow, first 2 days more heavy bleeding. Heavy period bleeding cause she feels tired and blood test shows iron deficiency. Uterine fibroids history 10 years. The patient visited Dr Sun first time at 01/21/2019 for her menorrhagia. After Dr Sun’s acupuncture the patient’ s next time period less bleeding than before. After near 2 months treatments the patient feels her period is normal. The last visit was at 03/10/2019. The patient visited Dr Sun again because of right shoulder pain 1 week. She said she has no more Hypochromic anemia.
